Claymore Wiki

This page contains the Claymore Wiki's Chapter article layout. It describes content organization within chapter articles, i.e. how chapter articles should be structured as well as how standard content and sections should be named and ordered.

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On structure[]

One of the most important parts of wiki editing is how to structure an article. Structure dictates what information the reader reads and when he or she reads it. It can influence what people contribute, where they put it and how it is written. Good structure is likely to produce high quality articles.

Organize sections in an article in a hierarchical structure like you would an outline. Try using a shallow structure rather than a deep one. Having too many nested sections usually leads to a confusing or unreadable article.

Section order and naming[]

The following is a short overview of the Claymore wiki standard article layout for Claymore Manga chapters. Its purpose is to provide a quick reference for order and naming of these articles. Note that all toplevel sections are h2 headings.

Chapter article[]

First off: The page name has to follow this naming style: "Claymore Manga Chapter 6"!! To name the article like this is essential because otherwise the infobox template we use will not work as intended.

Note: Sections not marked as mandatory are considered good style. This means it would be nice to have but isn't mandatory.

  • Chapter articles should generally start with a lead section which is not more than a few sentences and two paragraphs. Its purpose is to provide a short definition of the chapter itself; after reading it, a reader should have a basic idea of the chapter. Which chapter is it, the author,publisher etc. Note: The lead section is mandatory!
  • The chapter Infobox. Used to display the chapter cover (!) and typical data like the Japanese name, Romanized name, the volume etc. Makes use of the Infobox chapter template. Note: The Chapter infobox is mandatory!
  • Short Synopsis. This section describes the chapter in a few sentences to help the reader to get an idea about it. In short, what happened in a few descriptive sentences. Note: The short synopsis section is mandatory!
  • Detailed Synopsis. A detailed description about the chapter.
  • Continuity. Events taking place in the chapter that are important for the overall continuity of Claymore, e.g. indoductions and deaths of major characters, important revelations, etc.

See also[]
